SiMS invested in JUKI FX3 machine

Considering expansion of our offer and fulfilment of new orders, regarding contracted assembly for customers from the automotive sector, we made the decision to increase the efficiency of our SMT line.

The advanced technological line based on JUKI machines was expanded by an FX3 machine, which is the fastest chip shooter offered by the JUKI company. The decision and repeated selection of JUKI as a supplier of the new machine was determined by the fact that the current machine made by this manufacturer, KE-2060R, has been working reliably. It addition, its operation and programming has been optimal for both short and long production series. “Following the machine installation and two days of training, the new line was launched." HLC software purchased with the machine allows for optimum management of both JUKI machines. JUKI showed one more time that it is a leader on the pick & place machine market" - said Sławomir Stusiński, the company owner.

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